Scratch Removal & Anti-Graffiti
Shop Front window glass is one of the most expensive glass items money can buy. When excessive scratching or graffiti affects your display glass it also affects your business. We can polish out graffiti scratches, acid etching or chemical damage from glass, all at a fraction of the replacement cost.
In the past few years an increasing number of retail and commercial shop fronts have been badly damaged with graffiti. This vandalism is usually done by forcing a hard metal object such as a knife, cd, or screwdriver over the surface of the glass, leaving a distinctive and ugly scratch. Until recently there was no other choice but to replace the glass or leave the scratches.
This growing problem has led us to replacement costs.
Once the graffiti has been buffed out, we apply an anti- graffiti film to the glass surface so any future graffiti vandalism can be economically dealt with by removing and replacing this sacrificial layer.
Anti-graffiti film can be applied to many surfaces other than glass:
- Exterior and interior glazing
- Any smooth non-porous surface such as glass, marble, stainless steel windows, retail store fronts, display windows, mirrors
- Stainless steel balustrades, lifts and escalators
- Transport applications
- Marble, polished concrete and building facades, malls, stairwells, bus shelters
- Counter tops and advertising displays