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SafetySecurity   Magnum_2

Magnum Safety Film

Made from a high quality polyester film, Magnum safety film is bonded securely to absorb impact and resist shattering:

  • decreases the risk of injury from flying glass
  • holds broken shards of glass together
  • protection from severe weather and wind-borne debris
  • meets AS/NZS2208 standards

Magnum Security Film

Manufactured utilising complex multi-layered laminating processes of polyester films – confronted with a window fitted with Magnum Security Film, burglars and vandals are less likely to persevere. All the properties of Magnum Safety Film plus:

  • resists an unwelcome intrusion
  • protects property
  • protection and security for building occupants
  • meets AS/NZS2208 standards
  • used where blast protection is a requirement. GSA* rated.